Welcome to Prof Guoqiang Mao's Website
I joined Southeast University in 2025 as a Chair Professor and Director, Research Laboratory of Smart Driving and Intelligent Transportation Systems, which is becoming a world's leading research center on interdisciplinary research on telecommunications, information technologies including AI and data analytics, and transportation. Between 2019 and 2024, I was a Distinguished Professor, Founding Director of Xidian Research Institute of Smart Transportation and Vice-Director of the National Key Lab of Space-Air-Ground Integrated Service Networks. There, I led my research team to win two National Key Projects on 6G and on ITS, respectively, totaling ¥1,440 million in research funding; and a further two Chinese NSF funded key projects. My team earned the First Award for Scientific and Technological Progress by the Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2024 and propelled Xidian to be ranked No. 5 globally in transportation engineering by Shanghai ranking in 2021. Before that I was a Professor of Wireless Networking at the School of Computing and Communications and Director of Center for Real-time Information Networks at University of Technology Sydney (2014-2019). UTS achieved its best ever ranking of No. 19 globally and No. 1 in Australia in Telecommunications Engineering by Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Global Ranking of Academic Subjects in 2020. I was a tenured Professor at the University of Sydney between 2002 and 2014.
I held a visiting fellow position at Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, the Australian National University and a Senior Principal Researcher position at Data61, CSIRO. I was a Guest Chair Professor at Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chinese Academy of Science, Chang'an University and Xidian University. From 2022, I am a visiting professor at the University of Sheffield, UK.
My research started with telecommunications, wirelss networks and wireless localization techniques, and then moved to IoT, data analytics, AI and intelligent transportation systems. With the deep penetration of telecommunication and information technology into industry systems, transportation systems and human society, these ICT technologies not only provide data pipes for humans and machines to exchange information faster and more conviently but also interwine with transportation networks, social networks and industry networks to fundamentally change the behaviors of human and machine drivers, of human beings, and how we manage industry and transportation systems, etc. The synergy of telecommunications, information technologies including AI and data analytics, and transportation and industry systems opens up a fascinating new world of interdisciplinary research, which is important to understand and presently we know very little about. Therefore, my current research interests lie in these interdisciplinary research areas and in applying advanced theoretical research to revolutionize industry applications.
I have published three books, three book chapters, and over 300 other papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings and these publications have been cited more than 15,000 times. I am in the list of Top 2% most-cited Scientists Worldwide 2022-2024 by Stanford University both by Single Year and by Career Impact. I have received and completed a number of competitive industrial and academic research grants fromthe Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese National Science Founding, the Australian Research Council, National ICT Australia (Data61, CSIRO), Optus, DSTO, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development, whose total value exceeds A$30 million. As a UTS research leader on Intelligent Transportation Systems, I took a major role in the iMove CRC application in 2017, which received A$55 million over 10 years from the Australian Federal government matched with A$178.8 million in cash and in-kind participant contributions. iMove CRC aims to exploit digital and evolving vehicle technologies to enable traffic to flow more smoothly, creating more efficient intermodal connections and offer real time choice to travelers and freight operators. The outcomes are reduced congestion, fuel use and emissions and improved national productivity and competitiveness. In 2019, as the lead Chief Investigator, I was awarded the National Key Research and Development Program of China "Integration and Implementation of Highways Intelligent Road-Vehicle Collaboration Systems", totaling ~¥120 million in 2019. My team was awarded the National Key Research and Development Program of China "Key Technologies for 6G on-demand all-scenario services" in 2020. Currently, I am working on a project to build world's first commercial highway, spanning 420km and starting from Jiuquan, Ganshu, China, dedicated exclusively for autonomous trucks as the Chief ICT architect for road-vehicle collaboration. Motivated by the project, at least four other projects are being planned which may form the pillars of foundation for future trillion-dollor autonomous logistics industry.
I am a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IET and a Fellow of AAIA. I am an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (since 2018), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2014-2020) and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2010) and received “Top Editor Award” and “Top 15 Editors Recognition Award” for outstanding contributions to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2011, 2014 and 2015 respectively.
I was appointed into the Australian Research Council “Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)” Research Evaluation Committee for “Engineering and Environmental Sciences” in 2015. The committee comprises up to 15 members and ranks research quality of engineering and environmental sciences disciplines of Australian Universities. The ranking is conducted every three years. I was appointed into College of Reviewers of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment SCIENCE FUNDING in 2017. I was appointed an overseas expert review of Chinese Academy of Science in 2016. I was regularly invited to review national competitive reserach grants of China, Hong Kong, China, Qatar, Portugal, New Zealand, Canada and Australia.
I am a Vice-Director of Intelligent Transportation Information Engineering Society, Chinese Institute of Electronics (2022-) and a Vice-Director of the Academic Board of International Innovation Alliance on Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Vehicle Testing Technology (2023-)
If you are an academic staff, a researcher, or an engineer interested in research cooperation, you may want to have a look at my research profile and publications. You are welcome to send me an email for research discussion or requesting further information.
If you are a highly motivated student with a strong academic record and are interested in taking the challenges in the broad area of IoT, intelligent transportation systems, vehicular networks, next generation mobile communication systems and applied graph theory, you are most welcome to join my group as a PhD or Master candidate. You may contact me via the email below.
Email: g.mao AT ieee.org
Areas of Interest:
• Intelligent Transportation Systems
• Internet of Things
• Vehicular Networks
• Wireless Localization Techniques
• Next Generation Mobile Communication Systems
Dr Guoqiang Mao
Chair Professor, Southeast University
Director, Research Laboratory of Smart Driving and Intelligent Transportation Systems, Southeast University